Poor Cow Introduction Nell Dunn


When I was reading Nell Dunn's Poor Cow the introduction written by 
Margaret Drabble sums up well what  try and present in my work. The poetry of realism and 
the beauty of the mundane. 'The narrator's voice is spare and cool: it describes, with a sparse elegiac poetry, the dereliction of London's back streets and suburbs, the comfort of the pub and café, the cheap consumer attractions of the High Street.' 

Within a lot of literature and in the media today, places like these are often demonised 
as cheap and dirty places but it is important to keep in mind that these places are not
horrible they are comforts to people and shouldn't be seen as in a foul light. 

The  everyday life of the working-class is never seen as a luxury but having a 
nice pint in a comfortable pub no matter where the location is idyllic and 
as a class it should be valued not demonised, as Nell Dunn has done within Poor Cow and 
 Ken Loach on screen. 
By attaching higher-brow 'culture' to these small luxuries it is possible to see
the poetic realism within them. 
