Reading in Bed - After making the print about the women's weekly magazine, I thought I would carry on the idea of the uneducated woman and high and lowbrow culture. Although I really like this scene I don't think it came out as well as I wanted it to but I can't figure out why. I think the woman's face is good as I have tried harder on faces since John suggested it before Christmas. I wanted to make the husband look unamused to reinforce the point of invaluable and valuable reading and also because I find the stereotype of wives not wanting to have sex with their husbands once their married funny and by her reading he is upset. It didn't print very well first time as I said previously I will re-print them when I have better ink, I might have to make Nell Dunn's name bigger but I can re-assess this when I print them. I turned the image black and white on photoshop and added the pink as again I wanted to lean into the stereotype of typical things women like such as pink and presenting it in a different atmosphere of valuable education. Another reason for this is because Joy in Poor Cow is very feminine. The images below are the original print and some other options for colour and the sketch I drew to work from. |
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