Cathy Come Home print

Cathy Come Home print - 
I thought this one came out really well, I haven't ever drawn a street of houses before but thought it would be an important background to explore as they signify a lot in Cathy Come Home. 

As Cathy starts her life with her husband Ray in a 'posh' flat (as I showed in a previous print) through bad circumstances they are left homeless and are deterred by the government at every effort they make to find a home whether that be in a caravan or in some of the bombed houses from the war. 
Most of the scenes in Cathy Come Home picture her her husband and their two children walking endlessly through different streets holding their few belongings which is why I wanted to hint to this through this print. 

I was worried when cutting it that I hadn't cut enough white out but I'm glad I left the main focus on Cathy now as I think this helps to show that she is the main aspect we should be looking at. 
I added me and Joy in the background, I photoshopped in some benches and cut the figures out I thought it might of looked too unrealistic but I think it's worked fine. 
In terms of how I wanted my prints to look at the end of this project I think this one reflects well the atmosphere of Cathy Come Home. 
Underneath is the collage I made and worked from, the picture in the background was taken from a street in 1960's Birmingham which I thought fitted well as Cathy Come Home is placed there.
Link to the photograph source

