Potential Collages

Potential scenes to work from 
1. I'm unsure whether the perspective is too far off but I like the idea of Joy in the background the two old people drunk at the front and then me reading I think it gives off the atmosphere of Loach's scenes when he pans round the pub and different people are having conversations. 
2. I don't think this one will work but just wanted to test out the street scenes again but with Joy and Cathy this time. 
3. This was one of the first collages I made and I didn't think it would work but looking at it now I think it would but as me and John discussed last week I need to be adding more elements and not staying as true to the pictures so this wouldn't be going in that direction.
4. I think I could make this one work as long as I'm careful of the placement of furniture. It's me Joy and Beryl and then Cathy and Ray I think the setting of the pub would be really good for this one. 
5. I think this would work and I would like to do it but it has the same issue as no.3 in that they're aren't enough elements to it, but I do think it would be a waste not to take advantage of Joy's reflection.

