After taking two weeks to research and explore the context of the subjects I feel much more comfortable to create the prints.
The research I did regarding privatisation and the care homes has provided me with a better understanding of the context of the protest and why it was important. In contrast to my Authorship research where I have concentrated on how the working-classes are portrayed in literature and film I feel doing this work with the library has reversed the context as I am making work responding to a working-class political event and contextualising it through the method of print. I think this will be really interesting as I can portray it well and give the value that that piece of history deserves.
Alongside of this the value of working-classes in higher class cultures is still the main bulk of my research and an on going exploration. Through the past week I have read some important and valuable books such as John Carey's Intellectuals vs the Masses and William Morris's News From Nowhere and they have helped me to understand why classical culture and culture we see today is the way it is and why the working-classes aren't seen as valuable within this. This I will be able to explore further through responding to Shelagh Delaney's plays as I started at the beginning of March. |
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